Goal Setting
Hi Friends!
With basically a month left in the year goal setting is sitting pretty heavy on my mind.
I don’t know about you but I love a good goal setting session! Picture it, all cozyed up with blankets, a comfy lounge set, your favourite mug of hot coffee or tea and some candles burning writing out your goals for the month/week/year. If that doesn’t just make you feel all gitty inside!
There are multiple times through the year that I sit down and do some goal setting.
First in early early January I work on larger goals I am hoping to accomplish through the year. Think larger like, get a new job. This isn’t typically a goal that can be achieved within a week, there is a lot of prep work and planning involved, at least for the most part!
I also sit down at the beginning of the month and set smaller goals to help in achieving my larger yearly goals. Something like requesting new tasks at work, or gaining 25 instagram followers!
On occasion I set weekly goals. These tend to be very minuscule, like the number of times during the week I want to workout or how much water I’d like to drink during the day.
One thing I started doing thanks to my cousin is creating a vision board, but as we’ve done with so many other things in 2020, make it virtual!
I love a good vision board and I have made a few over the years, always on paper, and when I moved in with my partner I just didn’t have space for it because in 600 sq ft there isn’t space for much. So when my cousin told me she was creating them digitally I was all about it!
I initially used Pintrest and created a locked board, one titled 2020 and then each month I remembered had its own board. Using Pintrest was great, but I was finding I wasn’t looking at it often enough to feel like it was impactful for me.
That’s when I took my cousins advice and started using Canva! Currently one of my favourite tools!
I save my images off Pintrest, create my own template on Canva with the dimensions of my desktop and add the photos!
I set it as my desktop background so I am constantly reminded of what I want.
In addition to my vision board I also like to use a calendar, this is twofold. I use Google cal. as well as an old school pen and paper agenda.
I love a pen and paper planner. As someone who likes to write it’s nice to sit down everyday and check things off my list, and see my daily goals all written out.
Google cal. is perfect for scheduling out my day. I time block, and can easily change and adjust my schedule as needed. Plus it allows me to share my calendar with others, making it really easy to schedule events or meetings without having the whole when are you free conversation.
I hope this has you feelings inspired to adjust or even create some goals! Let me know in the comments below one of your goals.