Let’s Talk – Creating your dream house

Let’s Talk – Creating your dream house

Does anyone else feel this overwhelming pressure to buy a house?! And because of that ridiculous pressure I feel like where I live isn’t good enough so why bother to make it look good enough.

I wanted to talk about creating your dream house, specifically while you are renting. Renting the space you live in does not make it any less yours.

I want to share how I’m making my space mine, and how I changed my mentality around renting.


I think the most important change I made is my mentality around renting. Part of that change came because a hard reality hit when housing prices just went absolutely out of control. And I get it, rental prices are not much better I know that, but the harsh reality is the amount of cash needed to buy a house is f*$ked up for lack of a better phrase.

So as much as I want to own my own house and not pay someone else’s mortgage, I would still rather live in a space that I am comfortable in and that fits my lifestyle. And right now that means that renting is the option.

There are also some perks to renting, I mean let’s say that the furnace is having issues, well you don’t need to have the money on hand to fix that because ultimately it’s the landlord who need to deal with it. If you want to try out a new neighbourhood you can sign a one year lease to try it out and you are not locked into something longer than that if you don’t end up liking it.


I realized around the holiday season that I haven’t really been treating my space like it’s mine. Not necessarily because it’s a rental but because we did sign a year long lease so we don’t actually know if we will be in this exact space or not.

My mind was basically saying to me, your future is undetermined right now so why waste your time, money, and energy creating the space you want if you might not be here. I had this mentality the second I moved into this space.. which is ridiculous. I mean we had a year long lease, that’s an entire year of just convincing myself to be unsatisfied.

As I write this we have just about five months left on our lease, and I am making the choice to create the space I need. Five months is a large amount of time, and who knows we might get to resign our lease so that’s a year and five months!

First thing first, I want to decorate my walls! I have done this is my office but I was hesitant to do this in our main space. I kept saying to myself, well what if we have to move and the artwork doesn’t fit in my new space. The reality is you will find an area to put it and worse case if you are unable to do that, you can sell it.

My mentality is you really need to enjoy the space you are in right now.

This next step I do keep flip flopping, but painting! I wish I had taken the time to do this when we moved in over six months ago. The reason I am hesitant, is because the cost of paint is pretty high and if our lease isn’t resigned I just spent a lot of money for someone else to enjoy. For me five months isn’t enough right now.

If our lease is renewed I will be painting. I highly encourage you to paint your space! Please get your landlords approval first! We got our landlords approval back when we originally moved in and I strongly regret not painting at that time. So I am excited to do a bit of painting if we get our lease extended.


We need to start making a change around the mentality of renting. No one is lesser-than because they don’t own their space. If you decide to rent or if you decide to buy, it’s a personal decision that no one gets to have an opinion on other than you.