A Few of My Feel-Good Hobbies

I have been feeling lost recently. Maybe lost is a bit much, I was feeling unfulfilled. Alright alright, that’s worse. Never the less, I was realizing that I needed more for myself during the day to day.

My days were feeling very meh. Wake up, work, cook dinner, watch TV, go to bed and repeat. This was no longer serving me. Here are some of my favourite feel-good hobbies I’ve added into my day to day routine.


1. Reading

This is one of my absolute favourite things. My day is not the same without a little reading sesh. Not to brag but I’m on a 162 day reading streak. I tend to do my reading at night, before bed, but I have been trying to read a bit in the mornings as well.

On the weekends, I like to wake up a bit earlier than everyone else in the house, curl up on the couch, open the curtains, make a cup of coffee and read a few chapters.


2. Knitting

I do find this one more of a winter hobby, there is something cozy about knitting. But I’ve been trying to get back into it during the warmer months, not that we’re quite there yet unfortunately.

The thing about the way I was knitting was that I was refusing to learn anything new. I was keeping with the same basic pattern. I mean that’s all well and good but I want to try and really grasp different patterns and designs.


3. Writing

I started with journaling, and that has worked it’s way up to more creative writing. When I was a kid I remember dreaming of writing a book. Now I am no where near that point, at all, but practice makes perfect right.

There is something so freeing about writing it out. I’m telling you the stress it relieves is astounding. Its really helped me let go of my day and any stress i have and on those really good days it gives me something to look back on and smile about. And when I’m able to get creative with my writing I really do feel like I have accomplished something.


4. Cleaning

My blog is about how much your space influences your mental health, I had to throw it in here. This one is likely personal preference, but cleaning for me is a super fun hobby.

I designate each day to a different cleaning task, they are are super simple which means it doesnt take up too much time but it is something fun to add to my day. And giving each day a task not only keeps me on top of keeping my space clean but also switches up the task so it seems less menial.


5. Outside time

Either simply sitting on my porch and just enjoying the fresh air or going for a nice walk. The weather hasn’t been overly cooperative for walks but soon I hope! We are pet sitting my partners moms dog for a few weeks starting yesterday so that should be a nice extra push to get outside a bit more as well.



Adding hobbies into my day, and simple hobbies at that, has been quite life changing. It makes my days feel less blah and as silly as it sounds makes me feel as if I have a purpose.

Let me know if these habits inspire you or what habits you have that bring you purpose.