Simple Habits To Help Keep Your Space Clean

A clean space is a clear mind my friends. This is something that I firmly believe. I notice that when I get into my ruts my space is a reflection of that, and it makes the rut grow longer than it likely should. Let’s talk about some habits you can put in place to keep up with keeping your space looking clean and your mind feeling a bit clearer!


Make your bed daily

We have heard this time and time again; I’ve post about this, everyone and their mother has likely told you this. It’s because it really does helps. You are starting the day off by doing something that gives you immediate gratification and the instant feeling of completion.

You are signalling productivity as the first accomplishment of the day and that’s very powerful. Plus walking into your bedroom and seeing a made bed is a pretty great feeling.


Clean as you go

This will make wrapping up the day super easy. It’s exactly how it sounds, as you make mess, clean said mess. Once you are done with your morning coffee, clean your mug or pop it in the dishwasher. Finished with your workout equipment, put it back. You get the point.

This is a more annoying habit to start, you will tell yourself that you will just clean your lunch dishes with your dinner dishes but if you just take the extra couple of minutes to tidy your mess you will create more time in your day for you and your space will stay tidy.


Clean out your fridge weekly

Every Sunday when I go grocery shopping, before putting all my groceries away I tidy up my fridge. I go through everything and throw away anything that’s gone bad. Not only does this keep my fridge nice and tidy but it also helps me throw out less food waste. Since I’m going through everything I make sure that I am placing the foods that might go bad in a few days in a noticeable place.


10 minute cleanup before heading to bed

This is another habit that might take some time to settle in with. There are going to be nights that you just don’t want to, or night you don’t feel you have time. Trust me on this one tho. If you set a timer for 10 minutes and just do a quick once over of everything you will wake up more motivated the next day.

So I hear you, there are nights where maybe you have gone out with friends or done something that gets you home later than you may way. This is not a be all end all habit. Maybe you just take two minutes to tidy up the shoes and jackets some nights. Maybe other nights you’re in a cleaning mood and you decide to set a 20 minute timer and wipe down your baseboards.

I do encourage you tho to set a timer before you head to bed and just do a quick tidy. You will wake up to a clean space, and you will be going bed with a clearer mind because the space around you is clean.


Schedule in Cleaning Time

Cleaning has always been super therapeutic for me. For everyone else this likely isn’t the case, but we still need to make time for it. What I find helpful to make sure I’m getting everything done is to schedule it in. No one wants to spend their days off or their whole weekends cleaning.

If you split up sections of your home and schedule in your calendar when you are going to clean those sections you are setting yourself up to have that clean space more consistently. You schedule in going to the gym right? This isn’t always everyone favourite thing to do either but we still make time for it. Once I started thinking of cleaning in the same way it help me set up my week so that I wasn’t spending an entire Saturday cleaning the house.

I try and give each day of the week a specific task. Monday’s are for a big dusting and vacuum, Tuesdays are for Swiffering/mopping, Wednesday are for washrooms, Thursdays are for kitchens, Fridays are for laundry, Saturday’s we do nothing and Sunday’s are for bedsheets and towels.


Not all weeks will look like this. That’s not reality, but if you slowly start implementing one cleaning habit at a time more and more weeks may start to feel like this and you might be inspired to continue to add more. Once you see a change in your mental health because of the change you are seeing in your physical space these might be easier and easier to add.

Do you currently have any cleaning habits?!