Let’s Talk – SAD Symptoms & How To Deal

Hi Friends!

Throwing out again a quick disclaimer that I am not a medical professional! Please contact your doctor should you have any medical questions!

Now that that is out of the way, let’s talk about SAD, not the emotion, Seasonal Affective Disorder. Basically a kind of depression that appears at certain times of the year, commonly fall and winter seasons. Less commonly SAD can also affect people in the summer months.

From my personal research, a huge reason for SAD in the fall and winter months is due to the huge lack of sunlight. I know for myself, especially in the last few years, I get to work before the sun rises, I’m inside all day without windows and when I’m done work the sun has basically set.

Ive come to recognize that my symptoms start in the beginning of November.

For me it usually starts with a pretty consistent low mood. I will lose interest in the things I typically love like reading or physical activity. I tend to isolate myself from friends and family. I over sleep and crave literally all of the carbs. These are just a few of the first sign kinda symptoms that I experience.

Symptoms very but CAMH has some good resources about SAD.

This year I promised myself that I would do what I could to take as many preventative measures that I could to help curve the symptoms!

#1 Get all the natural light possible. For this one I’m hugely grateful that I am still able to work from home. I plan to wake up every single morning and open up the curtains. My desk is right in front of a window so getting natural light will be easier. I told myself I would do this last year but this one is a bit more challenging especially for someone who hates the cold, but I am hoping to push myself to get outside for at least 10 minutes. Natural light through a window is one thing, but feeling the light on your face with the fresh air is a totally different feeling.

If natural sunlight just isn’t an option for you, I’ve heard nothing but great things about sun lamps! Amazon has a great selection. I will likely test one out for those really gloomy days where we get next to no sunlight.

#2 Therapy! Having someone to help guide you through your feelings is important. Whether or not you are showing signs or symptoms of SAD, therapy is so beneficial.

There are so many great resources to assist in finding a therapist. GreenSpace, is a fantastic tool for those in the GTA. For all of my Ontario friends, Beacon is currently offering free virtual CBT therapy during COVID-19!

#3 Medication. I wrote an entire post earlier this month all about my medication journey! I know how sever my symptoms can get so I was aware that I needed to ensure that I found the right dose for me well before the winter months.

#4 Hobbies. Finding the little things in life that make you happy and incorporating them into your daily routine is very helpful. For me a few of these things include reading, working out, cooking and knitting.

I started a book club over a year ago with some of my besties, so that not only helps me keep a hobby but it also gives me a sense of community and gives me time carved out each month to be social, even if it’s virtually. Working out can be a difficult one but we all know how much better we feel when we just get up and do it!

Cooking is a more recent hobby of mine, since being home I have been able to become more experimental in the kitchen because I have so much extra time with my commute cut out. Last but not least, knitting, the colder months alway get me in a knitting mood. I have only basic skills and I love that because it’s just a fun little cozy side activity that I can mindlessly do. We will see how knitting goes this year with the kitten, she loves yarn!

#5 Vitamin D! This is for sure a supplement I wish I was diligent in taking all year long. Not only do I spend to much time inside while holding down a 9-5 but living in Ontario, sunlight isn’t always a daily occurrence. Don’t forget to consult with a doctor before starting any supplements!

Dont forget to stay attentive to your mental health just like you would your physical health! It is just as important if not more important.

Sending every single one of you all of the good vibes to get through the cold season this year with lots of joy and comfort.