Habits To Keeping A Clean House

Hey Y’all!

Fun fact about me, I’m a bit of a clean freak. My partner would tell you that ‘a bit’ is the understatement of the damn year. And okay okay he’s not wrong. I like clean and tidy, but it was starting to cause too much stress now that I’m home all of the time. It’s just unrealistic for everything to be perfect all of the time.

Here’s what I’ve started doing to keep up a clean space but also allow myself the time to enjoy the clean space!

First Tip: Limit your daily cleaning to the important things. I use to vacuum, dust, clean every last dish, wipe down all the counters and clean the washroom – daily. That’s a bit too much so I looked at what I really felt was necessary. I’m allergic to dust and cats so daily vacuuming is something I try and make sure to do. I wipe down the kitchen counter tops and as for dishes all I like to make sure is that my French Press is clean for the next morning, because #coffee.

Tip Number Two: Give each day a bigger task. I took this tip from the Clean Mama! I don’t follow her exact routine because it just doesn’t fit with my space but I do assign each day a larger cleaning task. Sunday is for bed sheets and bath towels, Monday is for dusting, Tuesday is for a deep vacuum, Wednesday is for cleaning the washroom, Thursday is for Swiffering and Friday and Saturday are for left over tasks and more often than not just chill days. This really helps with not having to spend a day off cleaning your entire house and leaves room for things you want to do!

Third Tip: I’ve said this one and I’m going to say it again. Make your bed everyday. It’s life changing. Trust me. It not only starts your day off by checking something off your list each morning but it helps your room look that much more put together!

Number Four: Things always go back in their place, and all things have a place. At the end of the night do a once over of you space and make sure that everything is put away. This might be a bit hard when you are living with multiple people, but the important thing to remember is that you can’t control what other people do, if your partner or kids don’t want to put the keys where the keys go, just keep in mind that you can put your keys where they go and that’s what matters!

Fifth Tip: Limit the papers. The amount of clutter paper causes is absolutely absurd. So you know all of those notebooks you have and the ones you keep buying when you get board of the old one? Yeah, take it easy with those. Promise yourself that you will finish one notebook before you go and buy three more. All of those manuals that you kept from all of the electronics you bought, sorry to break it to you, there really isn’t any reason to keep them. Most of them can be found on the internet anyways.

And there you have it! I hope you are able to find one or two things off this list useful to make your day to day a little more tidy.