October Obsessions

October Obsessions

As another month has come to a close, I’d like to share with you all the things that I have been obsessing over during the month of October.

Verity by Colleen Hoover.

Colleen Hoover has been all over my Goodreads, TikTok, Instagram, I mean you name the platform her name has taken over. I was looking for a thriller to read, to dive into the spooky season and everyone and their mother seemed to be recommending Verity. Let me tell you it did not disappoint. It was captivating from the start and left you questioning right until the very end. It has a little bit of spicy romance and is a heck of a page turner. If you are looking for a great read I 12/10 recommend this book.

Hamilton Beach Slow Cooker

Soup season is upon us, and my new slow cooker, courtesy of my momma, has been a blessing. It’s one of those kitchen items that you don’t know you need until you have it. Chucking everything in a pot in the morning and just leaving it until you’re ready to eat has been so perfect for those busy days or even the days where I want a little bit more time to myself.

My ‘Depression’ Shirt

I was at GT with my roommate/bff Julia and naturally we were looking in the mens section for some oversized sleeping shirts and we found a damn winner. The second we got home I threw it on and just knew that it wouldn’t be coming off. And it basically hasn’t since. I mean I wash it every now and again but the comfort that this shirt provides is epic. It’s just the right amount of baggy, it’s lightweight but cozy at the same time. I got 3X for prime amount of baggy. She’s a keeper.


I’m not sure it would be an obsession post if I didn’t talk about my favourite podcast. For the month of October my favourite podcast has been Full Body Chills by Ashley Flowers. If you haven’t heard any of the podcasts that Ashley Flowers hosts, I highly recommend it. Her voice is so soothing. Literally no other podcast host compares. But the way she tells the stories in Full Body Chills is so captivating. There are three seasons out! So if you love a scary story, run, don’t walk.

A few other things I’ve been loving;

– Taking my time making my morning coffee, using it as a bit of meditation time. Really taking the time to hold the warm mug to my hands, sip on it slowly to taste the flavours and smell the deliciousness.

– Morning movement, anything from a yoga video to a beautiful morning walk in the crisp fall air

– Journaling, I use The Five Minute Journal on a daily basis which has really made my morning and evening routine feel complete, I also have a journal that I vomit write in a couple times a week which has been helpful when I need to just let things go.

Let me know what you’ve been loving this month in the comments below!