Not So Sexy Self Care

Not So Sexy Self Care

When you think about self care, what comes to mind?

Usually it’s bubble baths, face masks, 10 step skin care routines, naps, treating yourself, watching your favourite movie, I mean the lists goes on.

Before I get started, yes those things listed above are self care but there is so much more to self care that we don’t schedule in as often because these things quite honestly aren’t as fun or pretty looking.

Budgeting is a huge self care practice for me. Knowing exactly where my money is going gives me such a wonderful piece of mind and puts me at ease.

I budget down to the last penny, I allocate a specific percentage of each pay to different expenses. That way I know all of my bills are being paid, my savings is growing and I still have some money left at the end of the day for the fun stuff!

Getting in those veggies! I know I know on a self care Sunday I’d rather indulge in some ice cream or just anything full of sugar, but it’s important to keep on top of your veggies too. I am not saying don’t have the bowl of ice cream or the chips or whatever you fancy, all I’m saying is take some time to evaluate your veggie intake and stay on top of ensuring you are getting enough because the benefits for your body is worth it.

To make this one a bit more spicy make a lil chacoochie board filled with your favourite veggies or throw a bunch in a smoothie!

Therapy. This one is tricky. I love therapy and I 10/10 recommend it to everyone. But therapy can get pricy so I understand it’s not always accessible, I did write a post all about some affordable mental health resources.

I go through phases with therapy, so when I’m in my off phase I work on it on my own with the Mind Over Mood book. It’s an amazing resource that you can work through without a therapist guiding you, and the book can be found for a pretty economical price.

Last but not least, a good deep clean! So for me this is totally sexy self care, but I totally get cleaning is not everyones cup of tea. Let me tell you tho, a clean space will do wonders for you! It will make you feel at ease, and overall more relaxed.

There are cleaning tasks that I do on a regular basis. On top of that I schedule in larger deep cleaning times to do the big stuff, like move the appliances to clean behind them, I deep clean the dishwasher and washing machine. Stay tuned for my yearly outline of what I clean and when!

What are your not so sexy self care practices?