28 Things I’ve Learned In 28 Years

28 Things I’ve Learned In 28 Years

Today is my 28th birthday. Which is crazy, not because I’m scared of the whole aging thing.. I mean that ended after my breakdown on my 25th (anyone else?!) It feels crazy because I don’t even feel like 27 happened.

And yes, it was for sure because of the pandemic. But none the less, it feels odd to be turning 28 because I feel like I just missed a year. ANYWAYS! I wanted to share with you 28 things that I have learned in 28 years, so let’s get into it.

  1. You don’t owe anyone shit.

2. Therapy and meds are a great combo.

3. Self care isn’t just bubble baths and face masks, more on this one here!

4. A morning walk will really start your day off on the right foot. Pun very much intended.

5. Water before coffee. This is a hard one most days but I am telling you it makes a big difference when you can remember to do it.

6. Couponing is friggen cool

7. Don’t force yourself to love an exercise routine because it’s popular, pick one that works for you and stick with it

8. You can say no

9. Picking a job you enjoy is worth a pay cut

10. Get together with your friends once a month, even if it’s virtual!

11. Find a hobby to take your mind off the daily bullshit

12. Keep the space you work at clean

13. Stop bringing work home with you

14. You do not need to be productive all the time

15. Show the ones you love that you love them every single day

16. Smile, at least one time every single day, no matter how bad the day is put a smile on your face

17. Utilize a planner, and schedule out events and plans it will make your life easier

18. Own every single decision you make and don’t let anyone make you second guess yourself.

19. Stick up for the people you love no matter what

20. Be unapologetically your damn self

21. Drink half your body weight in oz of water per day

22. Plan a self care day once a week to spend some time with yourself

23. Wash your bedsheets every week

24. Get a pet, they literally make seasonal depression that much easier to deal with

25. It’s okay to cry, let it out, I promise you will feel so much better

26. Set boundaries

27. Learning never stop, keep learning new things

28. Fucking love yourself, you are the only person who is always there