November Lessons

November Lessons

Another month comes to a close.

At the beginning of November I shared all of the things I was obsessing over in October. The idea was to share all of the thing I was loving for each month but let’s be honest, that can get boring if I’m being real. So there will still be a new blog post on the 1st of each month but it will differ in terms of what I reflect on for each of the months.

So here you have it, the lessons I’m taking away from November.


1. First lesson learned, make sure you schedule out time for you each week. Even if it’s for 10 minutes make sure you do something for you, and do it alone.

I try and schedule out time for much longer than 10 minutes a week but the reality of it all is some weeks are hectic and you only have 10 minutes. I try and make sure the time I spend with myself is done doing something that is really something that makes me happy.


2. This was the first time in a long time that I spent a decent amount of time with different family members and friends that I haven’t been able to see in a while. My takeaway from scheduling time for get togethers is, connection is very important. Now I get it this is something we all know but let’s remember the position we have been in over the last year and a half.

We have been so isolated, it feels almost wrong to be seeing people. I am feeling overwhelmed emotionally after being with so many people but it was so nice to see my loved ones and feel slightly normal again. So start taking time to connect with your loved ones!


3. Stacking is my next takeaway from November. Habit stacking that is. I’m trying to create some new habits and usually when I do this I go full speed ahead. I take every single new habit I want to do and start my new routines. Now honestly, this hasn’t worked so well in the past, I usually stick with it for a couple of days and fall right off because I take on too much at once.

So this time around after doing some research, I learned about habit stacking. Essentially it’s sticking the new habit you want to create to a habit you currently have. So let’s take exercising as an example, I want to start getting in more exercise during the day so to start out my habit on a small scale I have started doing some squats or calf raises while I brush my teeth! The goal is to get myself motivated enough to go right from brushing my teeth to getting onto my mat to do a workout.


4. My last lesson learned is to sit with your feelings. I’m horrible at showing emotion or feeling a lot if I’m being honest. So I’ve been trying to take the time to really focus in on how I’m feeling and sit with it.

Those hard days where all you want to do is cry it out, well I do my best to sit there and let myself cry it out and damn it feels fucking good to just cry.

One emotion I have been struggling to deal with is anger. I can get angry and agitated easily so what I’ve been thinking about doing is getting a punching bag or a speed bag and literally punching it out. I can’t wait to keep everyone posted on how that one goes!


There you have my lessons learned in November. Do you have any lessons learned in November ?!