Confidence Bingo

Confidence Bingo

We’re a month into the new year and I have been taking some time to reflect over this past month. And honestly over my life in general.

You know when you know something deep down but you don’t know that you know it until someone says something that gives you that aha moment?

Well that happened to me a few weeks ago, on of my amazing friends was talking about her struggle with confidence and sort of hiding behind this unauthentic person. I was watching her instagram story talking about this and honestly it nearly brought me to tears. So before I go any further into this post I want to shoutout @typicalshan for her incredible vulnerability and showing us all that no one is going through this alone.

So let’s get into it.

I have been struggling with confidence since I can really remember. The internet is a space to be vulnerable so I’m going to share something I don’t share with anyone, I censor myself around nearly every single person in my life. I am not often my true self and I did that, and honestly, still do that so often that I don’t remember who my true self is.

I want to be confident in MYSELF. Not in their version I am supposed to be or some sort of ‘acceptable’ version, I want to be who I truly am. Shan and I put together a bingo sheet to do just that.

This bingo sheet is to number one, get out of my comfort zone, but also do things that make me happy that I sometimes can feel judged for enjoying.

So why the heck am I posting about this? Well I have a feeling that there are so many people out there who are hiding their true selves and I think by sharing my vulnerability someone else might have their aha moment.

Regardless of whether you had an aha moment or just want to participate in a fun little confidence challenge, below is the bingo sheet Shan and I created. I am encouraging every single one of you to come along this journey with us! I have a feeling it’s going to be a damn blast.

Follow along with me on instagram while I go through this journey and feel free to tag both myself and Shan if you participate!

We’re cheering you on the whole way