90 Day Lifestyle Journey

Hi Friends!

What a crazy months it has been. I’m officially back in the office three days a week which has messed up my little quarantine routine I had going on, and I am still in the process of finding a routine that works for me.

I took some time to get out of the city and spent a week at a beautiful cottage on Elbow Lake. It was the perfect getaway!

I have been having some weird health issues going on and I’m now being tested for asthma, which means some major lifestyle changes are coming up for me. The biggest one will be quitting smoking. So inspired by Cassie from Blogilates I will be doing a series all about implementing all of these changes.

Over the next 90 days I have a number of goals I want to achieve! And I figured if I write a little daily journal about the progress it would keep me accountable.

The first and more important goal for me will be to quit smoking. This will also be the hardest one for me. I have downloaded an app called Kwit which calculates the amount of money I save and how many cigarettes I have NOT smoked. It also provides updates on your health! So I think seeing this everyday will be very helpful. I also intend on using nicorett products.

The second goal will be to get into healthier eating habits. I don’t have the worst eating habits but a cookie for breakfast on a Saturday isn’t my ideal. I also want to be more attentive to the amount of meat I eat.

My third goal will be to get back into my workout routine. Ever since going back to work I really fell off my workout routine. I’d like to get back to working out four times a week incorporating a mix of yoga, running and strength training. Which means I’m currently on the hunt for a set of weights since I’m not interested in going back to a gym anytime soon.

My final goal will be increasing my H2O intake! Again something that I was really good at and just soft of fell off. A big motivator for this one is not just for good health measures but I have been having some issues with breakouts on my face, specifically my chin so this will be a trial to see if an increase in water intake will help clean up my skin!

My 90 days will begin today, August 18! Starting tomorrow I will be uploading a mini journal all about what I ate, if I exercised, how much water I drank and if I slipped up on smoking.

Make sure you follow along on my instagram page for real life updates!

Let me know in the comments below if there are any goals or habits you want to pickup in the next 90 days and feel free to come along this journey with me!