90 Day Lifestyle Journey – Day 1

Hi Friends!

Here we are, day one of my 90 day journey. I am feeling very excited for the next 90 days and I’m so happy you’re coming along for the journey!

Let me talk about food first! I’m more of a snacker then a meal person, I’ve been like that for a while. So keep scrolling for all of the food I ate. I would like to be more aware of incorporating more vegetables and fruit in my day.

Today marked the first day I decided to make an effort to not smoke every single time I wanted one. I was smoking about half a pack a day which is awful, when I actually sat down and asked myself honestly how much I was smoking I was appalled. So today I only had about five which isn’t great but it’s about baby steps and progress so I’m hoping each day gets easier.

My water intake for the day was 48oz again not where I want it to be and no where close to enough but it is still progress from what I was consuming. I would love to get to at minimum of 65oz so hopefully by next week that is where I will be!

I did not do any movement during the day which is fine, it was a hectic day, so for the next 90 days I will be scheduling a workout in my calendar, because when I was doing that I was significantly more likely to complete my workout!

So there you have it! My little recap of my day 1 of 90! This is going to be a long journey and there will be slip ups because well life isn’t perfect but I am very excited to be able to track my progress!