90 Day Journey – Update #6

Hi Friends!

I finally got my results back from my lung function test that I took at the end of September, and it turns out I don’t have asthma. I have a small airway obstruction, what that means.. I don’t know yet. More tests to be done to figure out what is going on. I am going to see a resperologist. Hopefully that appointment will be sooner than later because not knowing makes me hella anxious.

My smoking during week days has cut down to about two a day! I am still struggling on weekends, it’s hard being around people who smoke but knowing how beneficial this is not only for my health but for my wallet is keeping me going strong!

I have been trying very hard to be eating out less. I find as long as I plan our week of meals we do a great job at eating at home, and I have been not only utilizing pintrest for recipes but also a number of cook books! Stay tuned for a blog post all about setting up my meals for the week!

Finding a workout routine has been all over the place. I have been doing yoga every day for the month of October, I have been following Yoga with Adrien’s October calendar. I am working on implementing more pilates and strength training!

I can’t believe this journey is almost over! Crazy how the time has been flying by this year. Looking forward to continuing this journey far past the 90 days!