90 Day Journey – Update #5

Hi Friends!

90 day journey is still going pretty strong!!

On average I’m smoking 3 cigarets a day. Weekends still seem to be more difficult. Not to toot my own horn to much but I’m killing it during the weekdays, the cravings have really subsided a lot and I only really think about it when it’s around me which is pretty amazing for 32 days in. I also can’t believe it’s been 32 days.

One of the biggest reasons that pushed me to quit smoking is that I am being tested for Asthma, which has been pretty stressful given the current world climate. My lung function test has officially been scheduled for September 30th so I am looking forward to getting an actual answer! That being said even if I do not has Asthma I do still plan to continue my quitting journey.

My eating habits are still staying strong. I was finding that I snack SO much at nights and not on healthy snacks, I’m talking like ALL the chocolate covered almonds. So I’ve started intermittent fasting, I stop eating at 8pm and I start eating again at noon. I also love intermittent fasting because it helps with cell turnover so it will hopefully help keep my skin looking fresh for longer!

I have been trying to cook more! My partner and I always did well with eating home cooked meals but we were fining that we were eating out every Friday and Saturday, so not just for health purposes but financial purposes as well we are scheduling meals to make on Friday and leave Saturday for our eating out day. It seems to be working well! And I know working from home has really helped me stay on track with making dinners at home.

I am still trying to get my workouts to be more frequent, but I have been incorporating 5 min a day of stretching which my body has greatly thanked me for! I have been using a yoga strap to help get deeper into the stretches, totally forgot how useful a yoga strap can be!

That’s all the updates I have for you today! Until next time friends!