90 Day Lifestyle Journey – Day 2&3

Hi Friends!

Day two and three were a struggle, quitting smoking has made me quite irritable which I expected but I did not expect it this quickly.

That being said, for both days two and three I smoked a total of 5 cigarettes each day. Meaning I have three left in my pack and the deal I made with myself was to not buy another pack after I finished this one. So that’s sort of hitting me hard now realizing that I’m nearly done so I would imagine that my irritability will be high for the next little while.

My water intake is not getting any better. I am getting about still 48oz a day which isn’t even close to enough. So to help increase my water intake I have put a notification in my phone to check my water intake in the morning and early afternoon! I am hoping that this will help.

On day two I did a nice little afternoon Yoga! It was so nice to get my body moving again and I don’t know why I ever stopped. So I feel this will not be that hard to incorporate back in!

Food this week has been a struggle. Since we were at a cottage all of last week my partner and I were both to lazy to do a proper grocery shop for the week. Below are a few of the little meals I had over the past two days. I am in the process of planning our dinners for next week and getting an epic grocery list ready for our weekly Saturday grocery shop!

On day three, while I was doing our laundry from our trip I got a very sudden urge to organize our closet. I got rid of quite a number of things I was holding on to for who knows what reason. It felt amazing to get rid of things! I felt a sense of relief when I was done. It did make me realize that we do need some additional storage for our clothing so stay tuned for what I get for that!

I’ll be back tomorrow to chat about day four!!