90 Day Journey – Made it to Day 26!!

Hi Friends!

I can’t believe I’m nearly a month in. What a crazy few weeks it’s been.

Let me start by saying the whole quitting smoking thing has been going amazing. Not exactly how I thought it would go but I’m crazy proud of myself!

I am down to about 3-4 cigarettes a day! Some days are worse and some days are better. That’s life and I’m learning that I can’t get down on myself because I can’t do things as perfect as I had once hoped.

One thing that I’ve finally learned about myself is that I tend to immediately self sabotage. I set out these goals for myself and whether I tell people or not I get in my head, it’s like I don’t want to be the best I can be because I’m scared to achieve. I’m grateful to have really acknowledged this about myself. I’m not going to promise myself that this will be something that changes in me immediately but I think acknowledging it is a hugely important step.

The area that I really need to focus on is my diet, I have been having some issues with stomach aches, according to my googling it’s either acid reflux or an intolerance. And yes yes I know how bad googling symptoms is, it’s an awful habit of mine. Giving my recent upset stomach I have been debating an elimination diet, I have a feeling I know the foods causing the issues (garlic, excess amount of carbs, dairy, possibly onions) so I am contemplating eliminating these foods from my diet the part that upsets me the most is these are all foods I love eating which is why I keep putting it off.

My workout routine isn’t 100% where I want it to be but again day by day, I can’t expect all of the changes I want to happen in a few days. I am feeling like I’d like to incorporate yoga more into my workout routine so that is something I am working towards.

Earlier this summer, I had started running which was amazing for my mental health however I found out for my physical health it’s not the most ideal. When I was told by my doctor that I needed to be tested for asthma during the conversation something just clicked, my running hadn’t been improving. Running made me feel so wonderful and I would love to incorporate it back into my routine. The difference is now knowing that it’s okay if I’m not going to break any records.

Stay tuned for more updates!